12/01/97 Om Shanti AVYAKT BapDada Madhuban 31/01/77
The means to enable your devotees to attain everything is to have a
stage of being ignorant of desires.
Do you consider yourselves to be the highest authorities? Are you familiar with your personality of purity? Having attained the imperishable property from the Father, do you experience yourselves to be complete? In this old world, a limited study and limited position is said to be an authority. Compared to that, your almighty authority is unlimited and imperishable. Do you perform every action whilst maintaining such authority? BapDada makes every child a master of the unlimited. In being a master of the unlimited, there is unlimited happiness. Do you know your treasures of happiness? Seeing the lines of fortune of the children, Baba becomes very happy that out of multimillions, you are the few who are creating your elevated fortune.
Is the Father happy to see the children or are the children much more happy to see their fortune? Who is happier? You are such elevated souls that your every act is remembered as a divine activity. Even now, your divine activities are being worshipped. Even today, bhagats are desperate to have a moment’s vision of your worshipworthy images. Are you able to experience the desperate eagerness of the bhagats? Do you have feelings of mercy and good wishes in your heart to satisfy the bhagats? Do you know the means to satisfy the bhagats? What do bhagats desire to attain from you deities? Do you know this? The basis of the devotees attaining everything is their love and devotion, and the basis of your enabling the bhagats to attain everything is your stage of being even ignorant of desires. Only when you become completely ignorant of desires will you be able to fulfil the desires of others. To be ignorant of all desires means to have an extremely powerful seed stage. Unless you become a master seed, the leaves cannot receive anything. Many leaves, that is many bhagat souls, are completely dry and wilted. You have to once again donate power to them through your seed stage. Just as there is a queue of bhagats in front of the nonliving images, so too, do you experience your bhagats queuing up for a glimpse of your living form? Do you like listening to the call of the bhagats even now? When BapDada tours the world and sees the bhagats wandering and calling out, He feels mercy for them. Perhaps, you say that BapDada should grant the bhagats a vision and fulfil their desire. Do you think like this? However, in the drama, the name is of the children and the work is of the Father. Therefore, the children have to become instruments. Will the Father or the children become the master of the world? Will the subjects be yours or the Father’s? The subjects are of those who become worthy of worship, and later, it is these souls who have bhagats. So, now, become instruments for your subjects and your bhagats and donate peace and power to them.
Just as the Father has revealed Himself to the children, in the same way, you special deities have to reveal yourselves to your bhagats. Deities means bestowers, and so, as the children of the Bestower of Fortune, become bestowers of fortune. Can you see your crown of light? The crown of jewels is not a big thing compared to the crown of light. The more you inculcate purity into your thoughts, words and deeds, the clearer your crown of light will become. BapDada sees the numberwise crowns of all the children. The crown in the future will be numberwise, and so, here too, the crown is numberwise. Do you know your number? Is it a small crown or a big one? Everyone has a crown. The moment you become Baba’s child and make a promise for purity, in return, you receive a crown. You were told that, as soon as you become a child of the Almighty Authority, you receive a crown, a throne and a tilak as your birthright. In the same way, can you see the sparkling star of your fortune? If you constantly sing songs of praise of your fortune and of the Bestower of Fortune, you will become complete with all virtues. Do not sing songs of your weaknesses; continue to sing songs of your fortune. Go beyond all questions and remain content within your heart. As long as you still have questions within yourself, such as, “How can I do this? What can I do?”, you will not be able to satisfy others. Do you understand? Now, do not think about your own self, but think more of your bhagats. Now, do not think of taking, but think of giving. Now, do not have any desires for your own self, but think about fulfilling the desires of other souls and you will then automatically become complete. Achcha.
To the images that grant visions in a practical way, the same as the Father; to those who fulfil the desires of all souls; to the souls who constantly stabilise themselves in the highest authority and maintain the personality of purity; to those who constantly sing praise of their fortune; to the great donors who constantly donate as a bestower; to the bestowers of blessings who are complete with all blessings; to such great souls, BapDada’s love, remembrance and namaste.
BapDada meeting the teachers:
Do you know why BapDada has special happiness when He meets the teachers? You are the teachers who are equal to Baba. Just as Baba is the World Teacher and Server, so too, you teachers are also teachers and servers. Seeing those who are equal to oneself, there is special happiness experienced. You are equal in the stage of being a teacher. Nothing except service should attract you. Day and night, remain busy in service. If you remain free of service, then other things will emerge. Scorpions and cockroaches come into an empty home; they come into an empty home or an old home. It is the same here. Either the intellect is empty or it is filled with old sanskars, and so the scorpions and cockroaches of waste thoughts come.
A teacher is one who is constantly busy; not one who remains free; not one who remains free in thoughts, words or deeds. A teacher means one who is equal to the Father and becomes a very close bead of the rosary. A teacher’s aim is to become a bead of the rosary of victory. A teacher does not mean one who is sometimes victorious and sometimes defeated, but one who is constantly victorious. A teacher means one who constantly has a tilak, one who constantly has the fortune of having the Bridegroom as Companion. A tilak is the sign of being wed and having a companion. So, to be constantly in this state means to be one who constantly keeps Baba as the Companion. To be in this state means to be one who has a tilak.
The place of the teacher is the heartthrone. If you vacate your place, others will take it. The seat of a teacher is the Father’s heartthrone. Once you let go of your seat, all your renunciation and tapasya finish. So, never let go of this seat as there are many who would take your place. Everyone has the zeal and enthusiasm to go ahead of the teacher. If the teacher goes ahead even more, then she can be seated on the heartthrone. A teacher’s world is very small. A teacher’s world is just the one Father; Mother, Father, Friend, Brother. What else is there in the world? There are all relationships and all material things. Here, you have the attainment of all relationships with the Father. It is a small world, but it is complete and powerful. There is nothing missing in this small world. You have all relationships with the Father. It is not that because you have the relationship of the Father, you do not have the relationship of the Mother, or if you have a relationship of the Mother, you do not have a relationship of the Friend. If the attainment of even one relationship with the Father is missing, the intellect will definitely be pulled in other directions. You should experience all relationships with the Father. Otherwise, other relationships will pull you towards them. Since your entire world is the one Father, then all relationships are included in that. This is known as being a number one teacher, a flawless teacher, a worthy teacher and a famous teacher. Baba always sees everyone with elevated vision. If Baba were to look at weaknesses, then those weaknesses would be underlined for all time. However, Baba is the Bestower of Fortune and so He always sees everyone with elevated vision. In comparison to being elevated, weaknesses automatically bite your conscience. When you listen to elevated things, weaknesses are clearly visible automatically. If Baba were to look at your weaknesses, a huge mine of complicated Vedas and scriptures would be created.
All teachers should especially pay attention to one thing. You must never be dependent on anyone even in a royal way; you should not be dependent on any soul’s virtues, service, cooperation, intellect or planning. When you make that soul your support, you become dependent. When another soul becomes your support, the Father’s support is automatically removed. And later, as you progress further, when the temporary support fluctuates, you begin to wander and stumble. Therefore, realise that it is a great mistake to be impressed by any particular soul. It is not just a mistake, but a big mistake. Do not become happy because service is expanding. This is just temporary splendour. If the foundation shakes, then service will also shake. Therefore, never make any soul your support. Do not think that because of a particular person, service will not increase or there will not be any progress. This is not just a reason, but a black mark that dirties a clean soul. This is the biggest flaw. To make another soul your support is the biggest flaw; then you will not be able to become flawless. However, Baba knows that you do work hard. BapDada is congratulating you for the hard work you do. You have already been told that there are many stories in the scriptures that have no foundation. This is why you were told that a teacher is one who is always busy in service. In your thoughts also, remain busy with your Father and you will then not be busy with any other soul. Those who are busy will never be dependent on anyone. It is only when you remain free that you come to depend on a place of entertainment, on someone’s love or co operation. Those who are busy do not have time for those things. BapDada is happy to see the teachers. You have very good courage, zeal and enthusiasm. You are moving forward, but do not make scripturestories of your work. With the line of action, you have to create your elevated fortune. Do not make such stories whose beginning is false and whose story is wrong. To teach students means to teach oneself.
BapDada enjoys talking to the teachers. There is greater love for those who follow and those who are equal. Whomsoever one has love for, even their small weakness seems very big. This is why BapDada is signalling you. The mirror is very clean at amrit vela for you to see how close you are. Teachers are those who give salvation, not those who take salvation (of facilities). It is not necessary to ask the teachers if they are happy and content. Remain happy and content and continue to expand service. The scene when your arms shake is also very good; you pick up one ornament and drop another one. Sometimes, you try to put the discus right and you drop the conchshell. When you hold the conchshell, you drop the lotus. Now, teachers have to stop the scripturestories. Create your fortune at every second in every thought. There are those who listen to stories, those who tell stories and those who create stories. Just as those are said to be the wonder of Vyas (one who wrote the scriptures), similarly, here also, there is a wonder. You give it birth, you sustain it, but are not able to destroy it. Then, you repent and ask Baba to help you. Achcha.
Blessing: With the awareness of the word “pass”, may you pass with honour any paper with full marks. In order to pass any test paper fully, do not go into expansion by questioning that paper. Do not think: Why did this test come? How did it come? Who did this? Instead of asking these questions, think about passing. Consider the paper to be a test and pass with full marks. “What happened? Does it always happen like this?” Instead of thinking in this way, simply keep the word “pass” in your awareness: you have to pass, you have to pass this test, and you have to remain paas (paas close) to the Father. Then, you will pass with honour.
Slogan: Those who surrender themselves to God’s love become an embodiment of success.
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